College life can be tough, especially when it comes to finances. With the rising cost of tuition and fees, students are constantly seeking ways to make extra cash. But what if I told you that you could earn some extra income, while getting free accommodation at the same time? That’s where part-time jobs with Room Alba come in. Room Alba is a platform that connects students with homeowners who are looking for help with household tasks, pet care, or just someone to keep an eye on things while they’re away. In this blog post, we will look at some part-time jobs with Room Alba that can help you make money, and at the same time, save on accommodation costs.

House-sitting: If you’re looking for an easy-going job that pays well, then house-sitting might be for you. As a house-sitter, your main job will be to keep an eye on the home and make sure everything is in order while the homeowner is away. This can include watering plants, looking after pets, picking up the mail, or even accepting packages on behalf of the homeowner. In return, you get to stay in the house for free, which means saving on accommodation costs.
Pet-sitting: If you love animals, then pet-sitting can be a great way to earn some extra money. As a pet-sitter, your responsibilities will include feeding, walking, and playing with the pets, as well as taking care of any other chores related to the pets. This can be a great way to get your daily dose of animal therapy while also earning some cash on the side.
House cleaning: While not everyone’s cup of tea, house cleaning can be another great part-time job with Room Alba. As a house cleaner, you will be responsible for cleaning the home, doing laundry, and perhaps even doing some light yard work. Although it requires some physical effort, it’s a great way to earn extra cash while staying on the move.
Private tutoring: If you have a strong academic background and love teaching, then private tutoring may be a great way to earn extra money while staying on campus. As a tutor, you can provide lessons in a variety of subjects, from basic math to advanced science. You can work with students one-on-one or teach small groups. It’s a flexible option that can help you earn money while also improving your own understanding of the subject.
Personal assistant: Personal assistant jobs can be a great way to earn money while also learning some valuable skills. As a personal assistant, you’ll be tasked with various duties such as running errands, managing schedules, and even assisting with household projects. It can be a great way to build your experience and earn some cash.
Overall, Part-time job at night (밤알바) with Room Alba can be a great way to earn extra money while also getting free accommodation. Whether you’re looking for a job that involves house-sitting, pet-sitting, house cleaning, private tutoring or being a personal assistant, Room Alba offers many opportunities for students to earn some extra income. Plus, you get to save on accommodation costs, which means more money in your pocket. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for Room Alba today and join the hustle!